Specifically designed for College Students and Professionals


Discover Your Right Career Path using a Simple 4-Step Process In Just 2 Weeks

Save The Date : 31-MAY-2024, 6:30 PM

🔥 Secure your spot before registration ends!


This Workshop Is For You If Yo're A....

  • Early to Mid Level Professional
    who want to switch over or are unhappy with their current job.

  • College Student who is looking for a transition into a new career & feel overwhelming and intimidating.

...then this is for you!

Workshop Schedule

Day & Date:
Friday, 31-MAY-2024

Time : 6:30 PM

Join this "first of its kind" on demand pre recorded workshop designed to transform your thoughts from the stage of Confusion To Clarity - even if you have never heard or thought of it..

In This Workshop, You'll Learn....

Secret #1

Discover the 5 Step Process to make the Right Career Decision

Secret #2

Burst your Myths related to Career Paths in Different Streams

Secret #3

Gain clarity on factors to Consider while choosing a Career Path

After this Workshop, You will....

  • Gain a clear understanding of your strengths, interests, and values, helping you identify the most suitable career path for your future.

  • Receive a personalized action plan that outlines the steps needed to achieve your career goals, ensuring you're on the right track towards success.

  • Empower yourself with newfound confidence and self-assurance as you embark on your chosen career journey, armed with insights and strategies to excel.

Meet Your Host

Kanchan Sumit Porwal

India's Leading Career Discovery Coach

Kanchan Sumit is India’s Leading Career Discovery Coach, who helps Students to find a suitable career by identifying and evaluating their personal attributes.

She has studied BBA, M.A(Eco), B.Ed, CTET, Global Career Counsellor UCLA (Extn.), Parenting Coach from DEEP (Developmental, Encouraging & Effective Parenting).

She has 12+ Years of Teaching & Counselling Experience

Her Career Discovery Model has helped 1000’s of Career aspirants to put their Career on fast track growth.

She is Founder of Career Guidance 4U & advocates the importance of creating one’s future through calculated and well-thought decisions

She is on a Mission to help 100,000 Students to find the right career path so that they lead a Happy, Contented & Successful Life.

Join Kanchan's mission to revolutionize your Career Path and

take your game to the next level today.

How Kanchan Has Helped College Students & Professionals Achieve Their Career Goals

Reserve your spot now for the Live 90-Minute CAREER DISCOVERY WORKSHOP and embark on a transformational journey toward Career success!

A Powerful Workshop That Delivers Life Changing Results!


ETL Developer (Professional)

Talking to Kanchan Mam is like talking to a close friend, the process of counselling is a total smooth sail.

Due to her experience she would get to know you in just one interaction. She not only provided career guidance but also building personality traits. Thank you so much Kanchan Mam for helping me clear out my doubts regarding my career..


Student (Undergraduate)

Taking PCB comes with lots of expectations as everyone wants to see you as a doctor. I was a good student but not getting MBBS seat shattered all my dreams. I took a drop year but it took toll on my mental health.

I came across Kanchan Ma'am and she took my psychometric test . It came out to be 95% accurate and I got to know about all the career options available and the best ones that suit my personality. Kanchan ma'am is honestly one of the most amazing counsellors and I had amazing sessions with her. I also learnt alot from her.I am so grateful to her for bringing clarity to my life.

Please be advised that the content shown on this page is not intended to serve as a guarantee. In fact, as stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don’t know you and, besides, your results are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help you by giving great content, direction, and strategies that worked well for us and our students and that we believe can move you forward. All of our terms, privacy policies, and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed on the next page. We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves and you to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope this training and content brings you a lot of value.

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